Design Fellows
MIT MAD's Design Fellows tackle global challenges to create a more equitable future for all. Pulling from different corners of design, they explore solutions in fields such as sustainability, health, mobility, urban planning, social justice, or education.
About the Fellowship Program
2024 Cohort
Their projects span women's health, metamaterials, AI, disaster resilience, soft robots, sustainability, and more.
Sofia Chiappero
Urban Planner
Clemence Couteau
Mateo Fernandez
Architect, Designer
Charlotte Folinus
Mechanical Engineer
Alexander Htet Kyaw
Dení López
Designer, Urban Planner
Caitlin Morris
Maxine Perroni-Scharf
Electrical Engineer
Lyle Regenwetter
Mechanical Engineer
Zane Schemmer
Civil and Environmental Engineer
2023 Cohort
Their projects include prototyping last-mile mobility solutions, exploring coastal resilience adaptation, designing sensory data interfaces to help patients and doctors, or optimizing 3D-printable structures with exceptional properties.
James Brice
Nature-based Designer, Environmental Engineer
Jenny Cang
Human-Centered Designer
Chen Chu
Urban Planner
Sandra Huffman
Mechanical Engineer
ZhiYi Liang
Mechanical Designer, Engineer
Liane Makatura
Computer Scientist, Mathematician, Human-Centered Designer
Prathima Muniyappa
Designer, Conservator
Geoffrey Nyakiongora
Allison Porter
Bioastronautics / Medical Engineer, Space Technology Designer
Tiandra Ray
Cross-Disciplinary Designer
Alexandra Rieger
Cognitive Neuroscientist, Interdisciplinary Designer, Mechatronic Engineer, Multi-Instrumentalist Folk Musician
2022 Cohort
They are MIT MAD's inaugural cohort. Their projects include engineering deployable water desalination systems, improving prosthetic care, creating urban agricultural gardens, designing multi-sensory data, or finding ways to use recycled plastics to 3D print homes.
Surbhi Agrawal
Urbanist, Innovator
Jonathan Bessette
Engineer, Humanitarian
Justin Brazier
Architect, Environmentalist
Alexander S. Crease
Engineer, Inventor
Ganit Goldstein
Computational designer, Textile researcher
Kyle Gordon
Portfolio & Strategy, PlayStation Studios
Elijah Martin
Engineer, Environmentalist
Mariama N’Diaye
Urbanist, Humanitarian
AJ Perez
Engineer, Inventor
Pedro Reynolds-Cuéllar
Designer, Linguist
Francesca Riccio-Ackerman
Engineer, Inventor
Jana Saadi
Engineer, Designer
Natha (Bam) Singhasaneh
Engineer, Educator
Jonathan Zong
Computer Scientist, Artist