Maxine Perroni-Scharf
Electrical Engineer

Maxine Perroni-Scharf is a first-year MIT EECS graduate student interested in the applications of artificial intelligence and computer graphics techniques to computational design and fabrication.
Maxine is passionate about art and design, and wants to devise novel ways to unlock the fabrication potential of 3D printers. Previously, she has used machine learning methods to create 3D printable materials that have view dependent appearance. For her PhD, she will focus on physical applications of 3D printed structures.
Maxine received her bachelor's degree in Math, Computer Science and Digital Arts from Dartmouth College where she conducted research under Prof. Devin Balkcom and Prof. Xia Zhou. She then completed her master’s degree in Computer Science at Princeton University, where she was advised by Prof. Szymon Rusinkiewicz. She is currently a PhD candidate at MIT in the HCI engineering group with Associate Professor Stefanie Mueller.
Previously, she was the recipient of an Adobe Women in Technology Scholarship and an MIT first-year fellowship. She has also interned at Dropbox and Adobe, where she conducted research with Yannick Hold Geoffrey and Kalyan Sunkavalli. She currently serves on the executive committee for the ACM SIGGRAPH Community Group for Women in Computer Graphics Research (WiGRAPH), as a mentor for the MIT EECS Graduate Application Assistance Program (GAAP), and as the President of the MIT Sidney Pacific graduate dormitory. In her free time, she is a coxswain for the MIT rowing club and also enjoys making music with her friends.