Zane Schemmer
Civil and Environmental Engineer

Zane Schemmer is a 2nd year PhD student in Josephine Carstensen’s group studying topology optimization. His research focuses on developing integer programming algorithms that minimize the embodied carbon of a structure while ensuring the design remains manufacturable. Zane enjoys being an active member of the MIT community.
He serves as the President of the MIT Club Golf team, a Grad Diversity Ambassador for the Office of Graduate Education, and a Board Member of CEE GradCom.
Before his time at MIT, Zane completed his Bachelor of Science and Master of Science degrees in civil and environmental engineering at the University of California, Berkeley. There, his studies focused on the seismic design of structures. Raised in the mountains of Park City, Utah, Zane has a great appreciation for nature. While he enjoys a variety of outdoor activities, he has a strong passion for golfing, skiing, and hiking.