Design + Curiosity: Interview with Jessica Banks
In this interview with MIT MAD, Jessica Banks, inventor, designer, entrepreneur, TV personality, and roboticist with degrees in both Engineering (MIT) and Physics (UofM), shares why curiosity is a driving force.
Jan 22, 2025
I think cultivation of curiosity is a constant listening for those moments when the world taps you on the shoulder and says 'look over here.'
Extended Q&A
Q: What is design to you?
Design to me, is a discussion, I think, or a translation, even between a user or an appreciator and the creator. And sometimes that's the same entity. But for me, it's that discussion... design is inexorably related to the use of any product, of any system, and it's so important that there be that fluidity of language and discussion about the hardware and then the user.
Q: Is there such a thing as good design? What does it mean to you?
I don't think there is such a thing as good design. I mean, I feel the answer is yes, because I know that there is bad design. So I guess if that's the case, in some ways, good design would feel non-invasive, if appropriate. Other times it should be very bold... How does it let us have access to the essence of whatever it is revolving around? If that access feels non-frictional, then I think that's probably something that makes the design good.
Q: How does curiosity play a role in your work and your creative process?
Curiosity is this level setting stage... it demands that you don't have the answer... Curiosity is a muscle. It’s the underpinning of everything that I do... I try to practice curiosity now. I dare myself to do things during the day that make me vulnerable... it helps me stay curious, like actively curious.
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