Fall 2024: Highlighted Design Courses in the Department of Architecture

MIT's Department of Architecture offers several design-related courses, as well as a design minor / major. For the full list of courses offered by the department, check this page.

Aug 26, 2024

Design minor

Minor programs consist of five to seven subjects, with a typical program including six.

The minor in design (or D-Minor) was established by the Department of Architecture with students from every MIT school in mind. The minor maps a path for any MIT undergraduate to learn core principles of design in dynamic studio settings, develop a sensibility for visual and physical form, and contribute to new ways of designing that are applicable across a spectrum of areas.

More about design minor / major program requirements

More about the design minor at MIT

More about all minor programs

Design major

Most students declare a major in the spring term of their first year at MIT. Those who do not must decide on a major by the end of their sophomore year. Visit the Office of the First Year for information about choosing a major.

More about design minor / major program requirements

More about choosing a major

More about the design major at MIT


Introduces fundamental design principles as a way to demystify design and provide a basic introduction to all aspects of the process. Stimulates creativity, abstract thinking, representation, iteration, and design development.

Equips students with skills to have more effective communication with designers, and develops their ability to apply the foundations of design to any discipline.

Skylar Tibbits, Adriana Giorgis
Teaching Assistants: Berfin Ataman, Oliver Moldow
Credits: 3-3-6 U
MW 2–5pm

Limited to 25; preference to Course 4 and 4B majors and Design and Architecture minors, and first- and second-year students.


Overview of design as the giving of form, order, and interactivity to the objects that define our daily life. Follows the path from project to interactive product. Covers the overall design process, preparing students for work in a hands-on studio learning environment. Emphasizes design development and constraints. Topics include the analysis of objects; interaction design and user experience; design methodologies, current dialogues in design; economies of scale vs. means; and the role of technology in design.

Provides a foundation in prototyping skills such as carpentry, casting, digital fabrication, electronics, and coding.

Marcelo Coelho
Teaching Assistant: Sergio Eduardo Mutis Ordóñez
Credits: 3-3-6 U
T 7-9
Lab: R 2-5

Limited to 15; preference to Course 4-B majors and Design Minors.


Provides an introduction to visual communication, emphasizing the development of a visual and verbal vocabulary. Presents the fundamentals of line, shape, color, composition, visual hierarchy, word/image relationships and typography as building blocks for communicating with clarity, emotion, and meaning. Students develop their ability to analyze, discuss and critique their work and the work of the designed world.

Bo-Won Keum
Teaching Assistant: T. Logan King
Credits: 3-3-6 U
MW 9am-12pm

Limited to 18; preference to Course 4-B majors and Design minors.

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